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Program & Data Back-up
- hardware RAID
- full back-up once a month
- daily back-up (7 days rotation)
- weekly back-up (2 weeks rotation)
- database back-up (every 3 hours)
- load-balancing technologies applied
- daily reports including all kinds of transactions to mechant as a second media of back-up
- data kept in record for a maximum of 100 days except otherwise stated in agreeement.
Network and infrastructure
OYM guarantees a 99% up-time of the network and hardware infrastructure.
OYM guarantees a 99% up-time of all software provided and thus a full functionality of the public services, including but not limited to, the operation system "Debian/Linux", the HTTP server (Apache), the database server (MySQL), scripting language (JAVA) and the DNS server (BIND).
An exception from this rule are scheduled maintenances (announced at least 48 hours in advance), failure to provide service by data centre (HKNET), major network outages in large portions of the internet and any major catastrophes outside of man's control.
Standard support includes answering questions and fixing problems related to our services and is free with all accounts during service hours.
Extra support includes adding special requested feature or in-depth training provided to merchant in the use of our LMS. These supporting services will be charged separately.
Service hours
HK (GMT+8) 09:00-18:00 Monday to Saturday (Sundays and HK public holidays OFF)
Copyright © oym-Logistics Co Limited. All rights reserved.